

F Full Page
H Half Page
Th Third Page
Q Quarter Page
T Tabloid
HT Half Tabloid


FC Full-Color
2C 2-Color
BW Black and White
BWR Black, White, and Red
1C-No Black Same as BW, except a color substitute for black
For Example: “49 (20 F, 22 2/Th, 7 H” would mean 49 comics in all 20 of them full pages, 22 of them 2/3s of a page, 7 of them half pages.
  • Pages are full-color and full pages unless otherwise specified.
  • Runs contain no duplicates. We do not break up complete years for certain dates. Also, there are incomplete years and certain dates that are not always listed. If you don’t see it here, ask. “WANT LIST—always welcome.